2-6th June, Pontevedra, Galicia

Code of conduct

Ecologist are a group of researchers who are particularly aware of the value of diversity. Therefore, we know that only by fostering diversity within our collective can we generate an environment that is sufficiently enriching and inclusive for groundbreaking ideas and innovative projects to emerge that will advance our knowledge of terrestrial ecology and provide answers to the current ecological crisis. 

We are highly involved in the democratisation of knowledge and in the promotion of diversity within the academic world, because the knowledge society needs a diverse and tolerant academic space, in accordance with the social reality. Our motivation is to help ecologists to develop professionally in the field and in the position they want, be it teaching, research or management. Furthermore, they can carry out any facet of their work, laboratory, sampling expeditions, palaeontological excavations, oceanographic campaigns, presentations and networking at conferences, attending training courses, etc., regardless of their gender identity, sexual orientation, functional diversity, origin, religion, etc., without being subject to discrimination or abuse. 

Some abusive behaviour and discriminatory treatment have been tolerated in academia, wrongly assumed to be personality traits that do not invalidate a researcher's professional worth. However, abusive behaviour negatively affects the careers of those who have suffered from it. We are aware that, unfortunately, academia has a hierarchical structure, and that this conceals and perpetuates abuses of power. Moreover, these abuses are often suffered by the most vulnerable or minority groups. 

By harassment we mean:

  • Negative comments in relation to a person's gender, identity, sexual orientation, origin, functional diversity, religion, age or physical appearance.
  • Negative comments about a person's lifestyle, diet or health.
  • Negative or disparaging comments in relation to another person's career or work.
  • Continuous interruptions in talks or conversations with colleagues.
  • Deliberate bullying.
  • Online harassment on any platform or social network (twitter, facebook, instagram, etc.).
  • Offensive or discriminatory jokes, teasing.
  • Repeatedly seeking intimate relationships after having been rejected.
  • Threats
  • Use of any aspect of a person's identity to humiliate or discredit them.
  • Misgender a person's name and gender.

We want to ensure as far as possible that all participants can make the most of the our activities (disseminate their research, meet other colleagues, learn from other researchers, etc.), and do so in freedom, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, functional diversity, origin, religion, academic status and employment stability. 

Therefore, researchers who do not respect their colleagues in a work environment and violate this code of conduct will be reprimanded depending on the seriousness of the facts. The procedure will be gradual, ranging from a personal warning to expulsion without reimbursement from the event. In order to take these measures, the seriousness, the repetition and, especially, the abuse of power will be assessed. In addition, depending on the seriousness of the facts, the infraction may be reported to the police and the permanent revocation of the offender's membership to our scientific societies will be considered, as well as the revocation of any award or mention that may have been granted, and the veto to register for any activity organized by the promoters of this meeting.

To report abusive behaviour during an event or for any related questions, please write to confidencial@aeet.org*. We know that it is not easy to publicly report a colleague, especially when you have a precarious working situation or are just starting to work in a field, so we are committed to helping the reporter and keeping them anonymous.

*Only two delegates of the equality committees and one member of the Boards of both promoters societies will have access to this information and the written or verbal information will never be shared with anyone else without prior consensus with the complainant.

