2-6th June, Pontevedra, Galicia

Family conciliation

Aware of the importance of reconciling family life with scientific activity and of the difficulties that women scientists with young children in particular have in attending conferences, the organizers will made every effort to ensure that the conference includes effective family reconciliation measures and that it is an event where families are welcome. Some of these measures include:

  1. The possibility of registering dependent minors as accompanying persons, as well as another adult to help with parental care tasks, at no additional cost, unless you wish to use the catering service of the congress. In this case, the cost of the accompanying person's meal will be charged.
  2. A familly reconcilation room has been set up in the Congress facilities so that mothers can breastfeed their babies with peace of mind and attendees can use to rest with their families, heat up food for non-breastfeeding children, have a changing table and use it as a play and recreational space for children of infant age
  3. At this meeting it is expressly permitted for attendees who have an infant in their care to breastfeed at any place and time during the congress. Likewise, children are also allowed to be present in the common areas and to participate in the social events if the adults in their care so wish.


In order to facilitate family reconciliation during the congress we have enabled a questionnaire that will help us to explore possible options to meet these needs. 

If any of the participants have specific family reconciliation needs that require specific support other than the above-mentioned measures, please contact the organisers at registration.sibecol-aeet-meeting2025@aeet.org



